
The Jpeg Blog by On Location Portraiture

The State Fair of Texas: Personal Project 1/3

It’s State Fair time! My wife, Erin, and I usually go to the Fair together, but I’ve gone three times to the Fair in order to photograph a specific idea. My most recent project was at this year’s Fair, but I’m going to post the previous two projects here first. The above gallery was photographed in […]

Ocracoke Morn

ocracoke dawn

Ocracoke is one of Erin’s and my favorite places. I photographed this at the crack of dawn during our last visit, and the image later earned a merit in PPA’s print competition.

A New Website

I opened On Location Portraiture in 2000, and one of the first things I did was design and build my own HTML website. I had designed other websites before that, and I was proud with how mine turned out. At the time, my website searched very well, and was a lot slicker than many other […]